Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I'm always trying to find a decent blog to find out about another's acne journey, so I decided to do my own,

Here's some history

My Sophomore year (5'5 130 pound at the time), I went to the dermatologist for the first time, I had gnarly cystic acne which he called "severe", however he prescribed a mild antibiotic that seemed to make it worse. After no success he put me on ANOTHER antibiotic with no improvement. I decided to give this scum of a doctor one last chance to do the only thing my family hired him to do, clear my skin. Thankfully, he came to his senses and prescribed me 30mg dosage of accutane, then bumped it up to 40mg a few months in. 

It took a while to clear up and I always had really chapped lips (Vaseline saved my life), not to mention my sensitivity to the sun, someone would always be asking why my face was so red. But, after 6 months I was absolutely beautiful. I was thrilled going into summer with clear skin. 

I started my Junior year with great skin until I started to get a few pimples around early November, which were starting to make me nervous, I kept telling myself my acne was at least better than before but it kept getting worse, I was white knuckling it until a cyst appeared on my face. I went back to the derm, just to be put on the antibiotic that never worked in the first place, how foolish was I to listen to this fool. Same old story, Doxycycline is fucking garbage. I finally went back in there, demanding accutane. I went on 30mg for 6 months, and cleared almost immediately with no initial breakout. I was stoked. Once again, I was clear for summer. Best summer of my life. (it was so important be off accutane during the summer because my sensitivity to the sun was so extreme)

Here we are, I started my senior year. Great skin for the most part, I have a beautiful girlfriend, everything is going great. I began seeing lil guys starting to appear, but there was no way my mom was going to pay for accutane again (insurance didn't cover). I waited a few months and realized it was only getting worse. By late November, I went on accutane, but this time I decided to try something different. My acne wasn't super bad, it just sucked having to wash my face with this chemical peeler every day which made my face really red. Which money being a problem, I decided to take a risk, and order my medication online. I also didn't want the bad side effects so I chose a low dose of 10mg/day. I ordered my accutane from

However if your looking for a higher dose, I would order from

Just after a week of taking my generic accutane, I've seen major improvement. My forehead is comparitively clear and I just have a few stubborn guys on my face, things are looking good so far, I'll try and give you weekly updates. I'll try and do pics too. Good luck on your journey. 

I am now 5'6 140 pounds

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